Monthly Archives: July 2013

Bat Removal 412-737-4298 in Pittsburgh PA|Bat Control and bat guano removal

The Wildlife Professionals

Local Bat Removal in Pittsburgh Pennylvania



Bat in Pittsburgh(Photo credit: Lee Carson)

Bat Removal

Bats can be found all over the world. there are many varieties of species
of bats in the world. In Pittsburgh PA there are many
species of bats, though usually only two species found intruding into
homes, church, and business. The removal of bats from a home or property
must be accomplished to solve the wildlife conflict. Bat removal can be extremely tricky even for seasoned wildlife experts. When facing bat proofing issues its best to use a local pest control or bat control service.

Bats in the attic

When bats find their way into an attic
space it can be disastrous. Once a bat colony establishes itself in the
attic bats will begin to defecate or poop where they roost. of course
since bats hung basically upside down the bat droppings tend to pile up
on the insulation below. After a while these piles of bat guano
can begin to become very heavy and even break through the ceiling
drywall causing a dangerous mess in the home or business in Pittsburgh.

She's the same species as the other bats I cat...

the same species as the other bats I catch in Pittsburgh, which are
big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus. I caught this one in the hallway.
She’s not baring her teeth at me, she’s echolocating. I call her “Bird
bat”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bat Exclusion

Bat exclusion is the process or removing the bats or excluding bats
from the property. Bat proofing in Pittsburgh or sealing bats out are
all the same process. The repair process itself can be extremely tedious
even for a trained professional.

Bat guano clean up or attic clean up or restoration

Once the bat infestation is removed from the house it is important to
clean or remove the bat guano from the attic, eaves or both safely. The
bat feces carry a multitude of diseases and bat bugs (a species of bed bugs)
are typically left behind. It is best to have a trained local pest
animal control agent (wildlife removal) to perform the bat guano clean
up in Pittsburgh.

When faced with bat removal needs just make sure to use a reputable
Wildlife Control company, though often a little more expensive than a
pest control company it usually for the best due to the experience level. You get what you pay is what my father always said and I believe that true even to this day!

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Local Bat Removal 336-240-9317 in Greensboro, NC

The Wildlife Professionals

Local Bat removal and Bat Control in Greensboro, North Carolina



Bat (Photo credit: Lee Carson)

Bat Removal

Bats can be found all over the world. there are many varieties of species of bats in the world. In Greensboro, North Carolina there are many species of bats, though usually only two species found intruding into homes, church, and business. The removal of bats from a home or property must be accomplished to solve the wildlife conflict. Bat removal can be extremely tricky even for seasoned wildlife experts. When facing bat proofing issues its best to use a local pest control or bat control service.

Bats in the attic

When bats find their way into an attic space it can be disastrous. Once a bat colony establishes itself in the attic bats will begin to defecate or poop where they roost. of course since bats hung basically upside down the bat droppings tend to pile up on the insulation below. After a while these piles of bat guano can begin to become very heavy and even break through the ceiling drywall causing a dangerous mess in the home or business in Greensboro.

She's the same species as the other bats I cat...

She’s the same species as the other bats I catch in Greensboro NC, which are big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus. I caught this one in the hallway. She’s not baring her teeth at me, she’s echolocating. I call her “Bird bat”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bat Exclusion

Bat exclusion is the process or removing the bats or excluding bats from the property. Bat proofing in Greensboro or sealing bats out are all the same process. The repair process itself can be extremely tedious even for a trained professional.

Bat guano clean up or attic clean up or restoration

Once the bat infestation is removed from the house it is important to clean or remove the bat guano from the attic, eaves or both safely. The bat feces carry a multitude of diseases and bat bugs (a species of bed bugs) are typically left behind. It is best to have a trained local pest animal control agent (wildlife removal) to perform the bat guano clean up in Greensboro.

When faced with bat removal needs just make sure to use a reputable Wildlife Control company, though often a little more expensive than a pest control company it usually for the best due to the experience level. You get what you pay is what my father always said and I believe that true even to this day!

English: Bat droppings in Mill

English: Bat droppings in Mill (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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Local Snake Removal 336-240-9317 in Winston Salem NC

The Wildlife Professionals

Local Snake Control in Winston-Salem, NC Snake Removal Pro’s



English: Elaphe obsoleta - A black rat snake (...

English: Elaphe obsoleta – A black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta and Pantherophis obsoletus), taken on a softball field in Columbia, Maryland, in 2006. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Snake Removal in Winston NC  and Snake control in Salem NC are a

frequent call for nuisance wildlife removal and animal control companies

such as The Wildlife Professionals in the Piedmont Triad. A snake in the yard, A

snake found in the house, A snake found in the kitchen, garage,

bathroom or even the closet. These are all very scary scenarios for

homeowners with and without the fear of snakes.

Osage Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeo...

Osage Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster) The black snake in the background is a Black Rat Snake. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A Snake Removal issue can be as simple as having a wildlife pest

removal pro remove the snake from a property, Though if a snake is found

in a home that is usually a red flag of an underlying issue. This issue

is typically rodent in nature and will need to be accessed and handled.

A snake skin found in the attic or basement is a sure sign that the

sanke has spent a little time in the property.  Black Snakes or rat

snakes are the usual suspect when a skin is found in the home. The rat

snake can life long periods with out needing the sun to help with

digestion. This makes crawlspace and attic space a prime location for

the rat snake or Black snake. Winston-Salem NC Rat snake and Black snake

feed of bugs, mice, bats, flying squirrels, attic, birds, Squirrels, and

roof rats. So if you have issues with nuisance wildlife conflicts it is

best to handle as soon as you become aware of the danger.

Red milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum syspil...

Red milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum syspila) User licence kindly provided to Wikipedia under the GFDL by photographer: Mike Pingleton Mike’s page (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wildlife Professionals can remove the black rat snake or even a
poisonous snake from the home and give you an estimate on what it will
take to prevent future occurrence, whether by snake exclusion, Snake
prevention, Snake Control or Snake repellants that are tailor suited to
the snake in question to ensue safe yards and play areas.

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336-240-9317 Greensboro NC Local Snake Removal and Pest Snake Control

The Wildlife Professionals

Local Greensboro, North Carolina Snake Removal Pro’s



Osage Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeo...

Osage Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster) The black snake in the background is a Black Rat Snake. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Snake Removal in Greensboro and Snake control in Winston Salem NC are a

frequent call for nuisance wildlife removal and animal control companies

such as The Wildlife Professionals in Greensboro . A snake in the yard, A

snake found in the house, A snake found in the kitchen, garage,

bathroom or even the closet. These are all very scary scenarios for

homeowners with and without the fear of snakes.

A Snake Removal issue can be as simple as having a wildlife pest

removal pro remove the snake from a property, Though if a snake is found

in a home that is usually a red flag of an underlying issue. This issue

is typically rodent in nature and will need to be accessed and handled.

English: Black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta obso...

English: Black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A snake skin found in the attic or basement is a sure sign that the
sanke has spent a little time in the property.  Black Snakes or rat
snakes are the usual suspect when a skin is found in the home. The rat
snake can life long periods with out needing the sun to help with
digestion. This makes crawlspace and attic space a prime location for
the rat snake or Black snake. Greensboro NC Rat snake and Black snake
feed of bugs, mice, bats, flying squirrels, attic, birds, Squirrels, and
roof rats. So if you have issues with nuisance wildlife conflicts it is
best to handle as soon as you become aware of the danger.

Wildlife Professionals can remove the black rat snake or even a

poisonous snake from the home and give you an estimate on what it will

take to prevent future occurrence, whether by snake exclusion, Snake

prevention, Snake Control or Snake repellants that are tailor suited to

the snake in question to ensue safe yards and play areas.

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Raccoon Removal 336-240-9317|Raccoons in the attic|Raccoon Control| Commercial Raccoon Removal|Business Raccoon Control

Raccoon removal in Greensboro by The Wildlife Professionals 336-240-9317


Nuisance Raccoon Removal in Greensboro, NC

In Greensboro as a community one never thinks about noises in the attic as being a raccoon infestation in the attic. Raccoon removal or raccoons in the attic is a normal call for Greensboro nuisance wildlife removal agents and should only be handled by trained professionals.

Raccoons in the attic

A raccoon in the attic is a sign that a female has or is trying to start a family. Once a raccoon has established a home in your attic it will start a family and for generations even after that original raccoon has gone her daughters their daughters will revisit birthing areas. So just trapping a raccoon is not enough.

Raccoons will use your attic insulation as a latrine or toilet. First in one spot then another and after years of use you end up with an attic full of raccoon poop.

How to get rid of a raccoon

How does one get rid of raccoons? Well one sure fire way is to hire a wildlife or nuisance animal control agent. Wildlife and animal control agents are trained to handle the issues and it can be extremely dangerous to confront a female raccoon with pups.

Trap a Raccoon in the yard

Ok so you have trapped a raccoon in the backyard. Now what do you do with it? Every year more and more homeowners are bit and have to have a rabies shot when trying to release and angered raccoon that has been trapped. It always better to have an experienced trapper to trap the raccoon or pest animal from your property.

Raccoon Poop in the attic

When raccoon species are found in the attic they will defecate or crap in the attic space. This raccoon shit or raccoon feces  can contain a round worm that can be fatal to humans , so it is important that once you are aware of a raccoon issue or raccoon conflict in your home that you not attempt to clean up the feces on your own.

Raccoon in the house or home

A raccoon that has found its way into your home is a scary thing for homeowners and business owners alike. I have captured raccoons in homes, business, church and commercial properties and every time the caller is animated and scared. No wonder.. But as wildlife removal experts we remove the raccoon or nuisance animal from the property.

Commercial Raccoon Removal in Greensboro

Nuisance raccoon wildlife removal in the industrial, Commercial and Business properties can be very difficult due to the need of incognito approach. The Wildlife Professionals at request will investigate in unmarked vehicles to keep the thought of a threat at a low level. This is important to maintain the business practice to stay in motion.


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Raccoon Control and Pest Raccoon Removal 336-240-9317

Raccoons are cute and acrobatic. When raccoons are in the wild they are great to watch whenever you have a chance. Though recently raccoons have been cause nuisance in Greensboro.


Raccoon (Photo credit: dmcdevit)

I remember when I was young and we would spend vacations at the lake. My mom always made sure that we placed a heavy rock on the trash can so that the raccoons could not get into the trash in the middle of the night. If it were forgotten we would wake to a mess of trash strung out everywhere. Mom was not happy!

Now as a pest animal removal agent I get calls more about a raccoon that needs to be removed from an attic space or a raccoon in the chimney and even a raccoon in the crawlspace. It seams that raccoon has learned that your homes attic space and crawlspace can provide great protection and warmth to start a family, in fact many generations of raccoon will and can live in these areas. While living in attic or chimney they will begin to defecate or poop in the area. Raccoon have been known to chew on electric wiring in the attic and in the walls.

Ein Waschbär am frühen Morgen auf dem Dach ein...

Ein Waschbär am frühen Morgen auf dem Dach eines Wohnhauses. (English: A raccoon in the early morning on the roof of an apartment house.) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

An attic full of feces can be very dangerous due to a ring worm that can be life threatening to adult humans. Raccoons can carry a multitude of virus and diseases. A female raccoon mother can and will attack if she feels she or her babies are threatened. So it is best to hire a professional to remove the raccoon and the feces impacted insulation.


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