Monthly Archives: September 2013

High point 336-240-9317 Raccoon Removal|Raccoon in the attic|Raccoon control

We all love raccoons or coons . the silly masked creatures that instill laughter from cartoon characters that our children watch every day to Video games that have even adopted these charismatic creatures into their satire. The raccoon is usually displayed as the hero thief in the night that saves the day.

Raccoon (Procyon lotor). Français : Raton lave...

Raccoon (Procyon lotor). Français : Raton laveur (Appellé Racoon en Guadeloupe) (Procyon lotor). Author: Darkone, 5. August 2005 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The truth is that although raccoons are one the most fascinating creatures we have in the united states. We are having serious issues with what is called urbanized raccoon behavior. It is natural for a raccoon to fear humans. This is the natural order. We humans are at the top of the food chain or the top predator. Unfortunately recently raccoons have started to show signs that they are beginning to lose their fear of us.

A raccoon that has no fear can be a raccoon that can walk up onto your porch and investigate the surroundings. If you feed your domesticated pets on the same porch you can guaranty that the raccoon in the area are too. distemper is a big fear for dog owners and raccoon are known carriers. Raccoon can carry a multitude of disease causing agents. Raccons will den in Crawls spaces , under decks and under buildings too. The damage caused by raccoon can be unbelievable.

Raccoons can get into the craziest of places. Raccoon that invade tend to choose attic and chimney areas to make a nest or area to have young. A raccoon in the attic is dangerous and can have dramatic or even disastrous effects for the owner of the property.

Raccoons in the attic in High Point, NC

Raccoons will enter an attic to start a family and that is the start of an animal conflict that will cause conflicts both residential and commercial!

A Attic restoration company can usually handle the issue. Insurance companies will from time to time even  cover the cost fixing the entries , the cost of removal of feces inpacted insulation and the re installation of new insulation. make sure to call so the insurance company can send an adjuster at the same time you have your wildlife pro come. this allows for quick solutions to your raccoon conflict issues.

Crawl Space restoration professionals can trap the raccoon or target animal and removal contaminated undercoating and replace with new undercoating or plastic moisture barrier for your crawlspace. Often the repair of hvac spider vent heating conduit can be repaired or replaced after the removal of raccoon or target animal.

When Looking for a raccoon removal specialist in High Point NC: 
First it is important to find a raccoon removal pro that can not only catch the wildlife, but make sure no future occurrences happen. Your Raccoon removal specialist will need to be licensed in the state you are located in. Experience is key. most states have a list of raccoon trappers on the internet and that is a great place to start.

Secondly you want to make sure the company you are using is reputable. A warranty is only as good as the company that writes it. If the trapper you use is self employed with no marketing or business presence then there is a chance he won’t be there is you have an issue. Call backs are only effective is the business is still in business.

Raccoon Removal in Greensboro can be as easy as a phone call.
Call The Wildlife professionals @ 336-240-9317

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Skunk Trapping Service 336-240-9317|Skunk removal Greensboro

English: Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis)

English: Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A skunk in the yard is a time bomb due to skunk has a ace up its sleeve. Skunks have a scent gland or shot gun of nasty smelling offensive fire power! Anger a skunk and you are going to smell like skunk for a while.

After being sprayed by a skunk you will find it hard to get rid of the smell. This is because the spray is immediately absorbed into the dermis and therefore removal will be difficult to say the least.

Trapping a skunk in Greensboro, NC should always be performed by professionals! Skunks under the deck or skunk in the crawlspace will eventually chew into the HVAC or heating and cooling system.  A skunk in a trap especially a open box trap can be difficult trap to relocate or move due to the ability of the skunk to spray the movement of a trap could get you smelling very bad!

Skunk removal or the removal of a skunk from the property can be a difficult task!



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Raccoon in the attic removal 336-240-9317|Greensboro NC Raccoon Removal

Raccoon (Procyon lotor). Français : Raton lave...

Raccoon (Procyon lotor). Français : Raton laveur (Appellé Racoon en Guadeloupe) (Procyon lotor). Author: Darkone, 5. August 2005 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is a common call ! Raccoon calls for removal in Greensboro . As a wildlife removal or wild animal control agent licensed in Greensboro this is a call that is never the same raccoon call. Every year calls for raccoons in the attic or raccoon in the house increases due to urbanization .

How do you decide which pest removal company to use? This is a great question. Typically a company that has a strong web presence and has been around for a while are strong indicating factors. A company that has been in wildlife removal business for an extended time are most likely to still be is the raccoon removal business if you were to need them in the future or for warranty work.




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