Tag Archives: South Hills Raccoon removal

304-395-1400 Charleston WV Raccoon Removal-Wildlife Removal-Animal Control

Common raccoon (Procyon lotor) and skunk (Meph...

Common raccoon (Procyon lotor) and skunk (Mephitis mephitis) in a Hollywood, California back yard feasting on cat food. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If I had a raccoon in my attic crawlspace and I was not in the wildlife removal industry(Though I am) I often think of how homeowners would think and act when they are presented with an animal that is in the attic, Wall or crawlspace  and if the homeowner has no idea how to get rid of the raccoon in the attic.


One of the first thoughts I can think of is pest control or the local animal shelter  due to the fact that it is a readily local or city sanctioned idea. We are conditioned as youths to call the local dog catcher or local rat removal guy when dealing with animal control issues .

The second thought I had was the sheriffs department or local fire fighters  or a close neighbor or friend. The problem here in my thoughts are that raccoons can be and are dangerous, especially when with young and this could actually put whomever was chosen to help into harms way. Raccoons will bite and scratch, trust me I have witnessed that in person!

My Thoughts on Raccoon Removal in Charleston, WV !

To be honest when it comes to pest control companies and wildlife removal in Charleston, WV here are my thoughts. They could be completely wrong but again they are my thoughts.

Pest control companies pay their pest control techs by the hour and lets be honest how many people do you know that would engage with a wild animal such as a raccoon when making barely over minimum wage, I mean really .. would you? and on that note would the tech actually care how long it takes to trap the animal or raccoon from your house or complete the raccoon remove in a timely manner?  Pest control companies specialize in insects period.

The local sheriffs department and the firefighters actually no longer help in raccoon removal unless the animal becomes a threat and then they will immediately destroy the animal if they can. Again if we have to be honest they have far more important things to be worried about and the fact is that there is a company that not only handles these issue but can exclude or repair the damage and install preventative measures to prevent future occurrences.  If you have a plumbing issue do you call the police? NO you call a plumber..

So in closing I have come to the conclusion that marketing and education are the best key set to bringing the fine people of Charleston West Virginia to understand that when they do have wildlife conflicts there is a company that can help and that company is The Wildlife Professionals of WV and though they are not perfect they are relentless and not paid by the hour.

The wildlife professionals are a network of local trappers and wildlife exclusion experts and they are the heart beat of nuisance wildlife removal in America and I proud to have been involved in this revolution.

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Raccoon removal Charleston – South Hills – Kanawha Valley

The Wildlife Professionals raccoon removal services

Charleston West Virginia


A Raccoon at Cologne Zoo Français : Un Raton L...

A Raccoon at Cologne Zoo Français : Un Raton Laveur Español: Uno Mapache Italiano: Un procione lavatore Português: Guaxinim Română: Un raton Русский: Енот-полоскун в Кёльнском зоопарке Suomi: Pesukarhu vesialtaan äärellä Kölnin eläintarhassa Svenska: tvättbjörn (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A raccoon in the wild are fascinating creatures and can make the smallest of children laugh. Though when a raccoon decides to make a home in your attic space, a raccoon can take a whole new persona.

Raccoon removal in Charleston WV can best be described as a humane means to an end of your wildlife conflict. Professional wildlife animal control agents can provide fantastic that conclusion.

Sometimes animals such as raccoon will die in the attic or walls of your home. When dealing with dead animal issues The Wildlife Professionals in Charleston WV can deliver dead animal removal and find the areas that the animal entered and fix the issue to prevent future ones.

Humane trapping of raccoon tends to be the first step to raccoon removal and prevention.  Once a raccoon has established a breeding infestation in your home, a multitude of problems jump to the forefront . Raccoon feces or poop impacted insulation will need to be removed properly by professional raccoon removal company.

Insurance companies have recently become aware of the importance of raccoon removal techniques and raccoon removal procedures and attic restoration in Charleston WV .



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